Continue reading “Should you remodel, retrofit or rebuild your livestock facility?”

Learn about the features of the 600 Head, Bed-Pack Cattle Finishing Barn that CCS will host an Open House at on June 17, 2021 near Goodrich, ND.
Continue reading “UPCOMING: Kirby Steichen Open House” →A team of field agriculture engineers with the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach released five articles covering the importance of proper maintenance and improvement of swine confinement facilities.
Continue reading “Ventilation System Maintenance” →A team of field agriculture engineers with the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach released five articles covering the importance of proper maintenance and improvement of swine confinement facilities.
Continue reading “Confinement Facility Maintenance” →Learn about the features of the 625 Head, Deep-Pit Cattle Finishing Barn that CCS hosted an Open House at on November 7, 2020.
Continue reading “Open House in Honor of Paul & Justin Shonka” →The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program’s second round was announced on September 18, 2020. President Donald J. Trump and Sonny Perdue, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, announced $14 billion dollars to go towards relief to agricultural producers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continue reading “Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP 2)” →